About HL7 Hong Kong
HL7 Hong Kong Limited, newly established in 2010 as a non-profit organization, is the international affiliate member of Health Level Seven International for Hong Kong. The mission of HL7 Hong Kong is to advance the acceptance and usage of HL7 in Hong Kong, including the internationalization of HL7 healthcare data exchange standards.
Objectives of setting up HL7 Hong Kong
To participate HL7 International activities on behalf of Hong Kong
To promote and implement the HL7 Standards in Hong Kong
To formulate the standard of electronic communication of Healthcare Information for Hong Kong
To provide input for HL7 about the specific needs in Hong Kong that are not met by existing HL7 Standards
To provide education and training to Hong Kong Healthcare Community and Information System developers
Background of the Establishment of HL7 Hong Kong
As eHealth is one of the initiatives in the Healthcare Reform raised by the HKSAR Government, getting the first-hand information of eHealth Information Standards is hence one of the critical successful factors to drive eHealth. In early 2009, some entities working in eHealth in Hong Kong have jointly applied, as petitioners, for the Affiliate Membership of HL7 in Hong Kong. The Primary Petitioner is eHealth Consortium Ltd (eHCL), and the other four petitioners are Hong Kong Hospital Authority (HKHA), Hong Kong Society of Medical Informatics Ltd (HKSMI), St. Teresa’s Hospital (STH), and NEC Hong Kong Ltd (NEC), symbolizing participations from various eHealth stakeholders such as Healthcare Providers, Government Authorized Agency, Academia, Hospitals and Vendors.
Collaboration agreement was signed between Dr Charles Jaffe, CEO of HL7 International and Dr CP Wong representing HL7 HK. The inauguration was enlightened by Prof Ed Hammond, Board Chair of HL7 International and Ms Sandra Lee, JP, Permanent Secretary of Food and Health, as witnesses of the ceremony.
The application was accepted by HL7 International in September 2009, and a formal inauguration ceremony was conducted on 8 October 2009, at the formal opening of the eHealth Forum 2009. Dr CP Wong was the Interim Chair of HL7 HK to sign on the Affiliate Charter Agreement.
The establishment of HL7 Hong Kong Limited (“HL7 HK”), recognized as one of the most important milestones in the development of eHealth standards for Hong Kong, would not be possible without the unfailing support and valuable advice from HL7 International, the Food and Health Bureau and the recently established eHealth Record Office.