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Join Us

Membership in HL7 is available to everyone interested in Health Informatics Standards in Hong Kong and agrees with the Objectives of HL7 Hong Kong. Involvement and support from members are crucial to the ongoing expansion and enhancement of the HL7 standard.

There are currently four types of membership: Sponsor Members, Corporate Members, Associate Members and Individual Members.

Membership Subscription Fee

Grace period: Membership application submitted in the first calendar year of HL7 HK’s incorporation (ie 2010) would cover membership dues for 2010 and 2011. Thereafter, any applicant applying for HL7 HK membership on or after 1 September of the year, his/her membership fee would cover membership dues for the said year and the calendar year immediately follows.

Membership Subscription Fee

  • Territory Wide Member: HK$300,000/yr

  • Corporate Member:

    • HK$10,000/yr for organizations with less than 200 staff

    • HK$15,000/yr for organizations with 200 to 1000 staff

    • HK$20,000/yr for organizations with over 1000 staff

  • Associate (Organizational) Member: HK$0/yr


  • Individual Member: HK$300/yr

  • Associate (Individual) Member: HK$0/yr

Application Forms


All Members shall:

  1. Pay annual and other fees as appropriate,

  2. Follow the constitutions & decisions as made by the General Assembly,

  3. Protect the rights of HL7 Inc and HL7 Hong Kong,

  4. Reflect and recommend to the General Assembly or the Board on various related issues, and

  5. Not amend (including add, change, delete) any of the HL7 Standards, whether that is issued by the HL7 Hong Kong or not, without written approval from HL7 Hong Kong.

Rights and Benefits

All Members would have the following rights as listed below:

  1. Free access to HL7 Hong Kong Standards documentation,

  2. (Not applicable to all Associate Members) Free access to the HL7 Hong Kong closed email lists and password protected areas of the HL7 Hong Kong website,

  3. Preferential discount and/or treatment for attendance of HL7 Hong Kong meetings, activities and training programs,

  4. (Not applicable to all Associate Members) Participation in Standards balloting process, and

  5. (Not applicable to all Associate Members) Nomination of/Being nominated as Board Governor, and vote in the Board of Governors Election.

Membership Benefits Comparison


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The General Assembly would be opened for all members of HL7 Hong Kong (Not applicable to all Associate Members). It is normally called once a year, as the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The roles of the General Assembly are:

  • To run or approve election results,

  • To approve annual budget, annual plan, and annual reports,

  • To approve membership & fee structures, and

  • To discuss any matter brought forth by the Board of Governors or general members.


All members would be invited to attend the AGM where they would receive reports from the Chairman, and financial reports from the Treasurer of the Board of Governors. Members with Voting Rights can nominate and elect candidates to fill the Board vacancies due to e.g. retirement.


All decisions should be made on consensus-based qualified-majority (e.g. more than 60% affirmative of the combined “yes” and “no” votes) ballot process.

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